Pads + Masturbation Questions


So I have a couple of questions that might be silly but I’m wondering and slightly worried so here goes – I’ve been on my period and it’s nearly done (at the very end now) so because of the flow being really light, I wore a regular day pad (thin but long) to bed. This morning I masturbated, but due to knowing there might be some flow (if you will) left, I rubbed through the pad (which, because it’s not skin to skin, typically slows how long things take because I need more time to build up if that makes sense). So, I’m doing this for awhile, and then the thought occurs to me after seeing something about this in a product description for washable pads (here’s possible silly question number one) is toxic shock syndrome possible with pads, and is rubbing through one for extended amounts of time bad? Could it hurt me? Not getting anywhere through it, I decided to pull the pad back just a bit to get enough skin to skin to finish (still through underwear) but by then I was wondering if the pad had irritated my skin a bit due to a sort of hot and burn/itchy feeling (not long lasting, just while I was doing it)? (Second question here) is that possible too? And would it do any damage or would it just hurt a little and then go away? Please respond to this because I’m not sure I’d get anywhere Googling this and I thought this community would be better to ask. Thank you.