Crib vs toddler bed

Tori • Mommy to👶🏻❤ baby girl 03/30/2018, baby girl 12/31/2019

Ok i am 14 weeks pregnant with baby #2. My first baby will be 21 months when the new baby arrives.

My husband is so insistent on buying her a toddler bed and just giving the crib to the new baby. I really want to buy a crib.

The new baby will probably be in our room for the first 6 months. He wants to move her to the toddler bed when we stop rooming in with the new baby.

She is an active sleeper, has never tried to climb out of the crib.

They will be rooming together also.

I just think it will be easier to keep them both in cribs and later converting the cribs to toddler beds.

What do you all recommend ?