Any advice?

My oldest daughter is 7yrs old and for the last year or so she’s had the worst attitude and lies all the time about the littlest things. She’s screaming and yelling and me, her dad and her 5yr old sister all day. She refuses to talk in a nice way. Everything has attitude. She also says extremely rude things to us. She’ll purposely destroy things when she’s angry and she’ll hit her sister. I’m almost 26w pregnant and she’s stressing me out a lot. We’ve tried spanking, grounding, taking away prized toys, calming talking to her, sentences, standing in the corner, taking away electronics, raising our voice and even rewarding good behavior. When we try any method of discipline she comes at us with the “you guy hate me, no one loves me” crap. Nothing seems to me helping and I feel like such a failure. I sit up at night and cry because I don’t know what to do. We love her so much but she doesn’t seem to care.

Any advice on what else I can try?