Prince Lionheart On Sale! 👏🏼


I did some research on diaper pails (literally all the research. I research everything I purchase! I over analyze everything) and I came across this relatively new diaper pail. Apparently it’s “award winning.” That isn’t the reason I bought it though.

I actually really liked the design of it. I watched some YouTube videos and read reviews. The bag is twisted, which doesn’t let out any odor. You drop the dirty diaper in, step on the pedal, which untwists the bag (but no scent escapes since there’s a closure at the top), the diaper drops into the bag and when you release the pedal, the bag twists closed again, sealing in odors.

Some of you may call me crazy! Like why TF do I need something so fancy? Won’t a regular diaper pail suffice? I have such a sensitive sense of smell, I swear it’ll be my downfall.

Since the baby will be sleeping in our bedroom for a while, I plan to keep this pail in our room; I’m not taking diapers out to the side of the house in the middle of the night (or every single time I change him during the day). I also have 3 dogs and I don’t want them getting into a regular trash can.

The Prince Lionheart diaper pail is $100 on their website. I found it on sale at Amazon for $65, but it was in back order till the beginning of August (I’m due next Friday). I then searched online and came across Walmart selling it for $65 also with free 2 day shipping. I also had a $25 gift card to Walmart (from my baby shower). Essentially, I paid $40 for a $100 diaper pail!

I’m sorry this was so long, but I wanted to share all the info with you ladies! ❤️