Hair help, to cut or not to cut?!


The original plan was to donate it once it was long enough to donate again

First time donating went from this...

To this...

(Waaay shorter than i wanted, but I liked the cut; but surprisingly to me a LOT more work to make it look good)

So here is my current hair length...

Pretty long (it’s currently drying) but it’ll stay this long once dried.

I liked the short hair but it was a lot of work, and I love my long hair but also its LONG (at least I feel like it is).

I’m planning on doing something to it next month but keep going back and forth. I need to opinions! This is going on 4 years of growth so while yeah hair grows... it’s not the quickest process.

Also if you want to suggest any style here’s my current old self

Please excuse the no make up mess of a person.

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