Do you think he needs a helmet?


My little guy was born with mild neck weakness that we discovered on our own. My doctor never mentioned anything about that or his uneven shaped head. He was born with this flat spot because of how he was positioned in the womb but because he also favored sleeping on that side for the 1st 2 months it was impossible to constantly keep him off of it. I feel like as his head is growing and his hair is shedding, it's more noticeable, but he hasn't slept on that side constantly in 2 months. Sometimes he does but I reposition as much as possible. I'd like to wait and see, but would it be smarter to try and get helmet therapy?? It's hard to show it in pics but I tried to get it at it's worst angles.... I also bought a pillow designed for flat head but he's moving around now in his sleep that it's not working so well. I wish I got it sooner!!! The last pic was when it was at it's worst and when he had a lot less control. He's doing much better with tummy time. It feels super uneven, but idk if I'm just a paranoid first time momma.