Nap time


How is everyone doing putting your babies down for a nap? I used to be able to get my son to take two naps a day in his crib, but now every time I sit him down his eyes fling open and he’s wide awake, I pick him up & right back to sleep... what is happening 😭 he has been sleeping swaddled at night with one arm out, so I do the same during the day, get him drowsy then try to lay him down but it isn’t working he’s completely rejecting the swaddle (fighting his way out of it) . I’ve tried one arm out, both arms, no swaddle, love to dreams arms up suit- Nothing. Is. Working. I try drowsy, I try just fell asleep, we use white noise and I do a slow rock to get him drowsy. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated, this 4 month sleep regressions kicking my butt.

Also he is not crying once I put him in the crib, he just had his eyes open and he rolls around. I’ve tried leaving the room for 5 mins and when I came back he had squirmed halfway down the crib 🤦🏼‍♀️ so “cry it out” isn’t an option