I’m so confused and emotional right now

So me and my now ex boyfriend split last week we had been having issues trying to conceive then he’s been having issues with his baby mum and last week his son got took into scocial care so he freaked and he’s been fighting for him since it’s caused a massive strain between us and we left on such a bad note because he said if it was a choice between me and trying for a baby or fighting for his son his son will win every single time don’t get me wrong I get it but I didn’t see the need for him to be that blunt and for him to just leave like that: That was that and we haven’t spoke since I have a 2 year old daughter from a previous relationship and he has a son from a previous one. Cut a long story short I thought I ovulated cd37 and got my period cd 49. Today what I believed to be cd14 I went to the drs to have some bloods done for polycystic ovaries and I got a call back a few hours later saying that my hcg came back at 3471 so I established I’m pregnant do I tell him do I leave it. What do I do. If I tell him he’s going to freak out. Hes already fighting for his son