I’m completely miserable.

I’ve always had irregular periods. Since I was in middle school. I can go weeks, even months without a period. When I do have a period they can last for DAYS. I recently found out I have PCOS, & because of that I have a hormonal imbalance. Which causes my irregular bleeding. I got prescribed birth control to help balance out my hormones & make them normal again, well everything was going good. I had a cone biopsy done June 21st & few days later, I got my period. It’s been thirteen days, & it’s showing no signs of stopping. I’m so miserable. It’ll act like it’s ending & by the end of the day my belly will starting getting mild cramps, & it’s back again. I told my OB & they’re gonna put me on a stronger birth control. I really hope that helps. I can’t keep living like this, it makes me want to cry. Sorry this post is long, I just needed to get this off my chest.