Why is he tresting me like an enemy?

After 1yr 8months me and my boyfriend decided it was time to end things. We slowly started fading away and aurguing more of silly stuff. I moved out in may back with my parents. My baby is due at the end of this month.

We ended at friendly terms.

He would come hang out talk kiss on cheek. Rub my belly. We actually kissed once .

Help each other talk about other stuff have long convo. Send memes to each other etc.


he blocks me on FB

When he comes here he doesnt even sit to talk.

Says we should only talk about the baby.

Says to only message him when its urgent

Says we have no reason tl be friends.

Says he dont need me any more to do anything with for him .

I just dont understand it.

Im not upset anymore i realized a guy like this aint worth it but i would like to know why and when i ask him he says we dnt have to be friends we can just do our best to raise our dauhter. YET he was the one that always said lets be friends lets maintain our friendahipm.

He says hes not with anymore right now but i dont believe him and even if he is that should chamge things.

Its messed up cause he treats me like we never had anything. Like we didnt live together for 1yr.

Like we didnt both decide to have this baby.

Oh and we had decided on the babies name and all the sudden he wanta to add this middle name that i dont like and i said no we have picked the name already so he got mad and said SINCE I CANT PICK MY DAUGHTERS NAME ONLY MESSAGE ME WHEN YOU HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY.

Smh yes i know hes an asshole. 🤦