How Should I Ask My Mom About Birth Control?

So recently I’ve been wanting to go on birth control. My mom said that I can come talk to her if I ever feel like I’m about to start having sex. (Which I have had sex but I don’t know if I want to tell her that much.) I know she said I can just talk to her, but sometimes I just feel very scared to talk about that stuff around her. I mean we never even had the talk about sex or periods I just kinda had to learn about it all on my own. Not like she just threw me into the world, but I just kinda learned stuff from her and my sister without being specifically talked to. Have any of y’all ever had to ask your mom about that before? If so how did you do it?

Side note: I know some people on here I have heard say if you can’t comfortably talk about sex with parents then you shouldn’t be having it at all, but it’s just cause I don’t know how she’ll respond since I was never even given the other talks.