MIL rant 😤


my boyfriend is a ‘momma’s boy’, we live with his mom because 1. it’s cheaper and 2. because she doesn’t want him to leave. i get along well with her and she’s been a great help with many things, including when my boyfriend was away for 2 months towards the end of my pregnancy. i want to state that she’s never mentioned any of this to me directly, in fact she always goes directly to him if it concerns the baby.

well, i gave birth two months ago, and 1 WEEK after i gave birth she told my boyfriend that i should put him on formula because he’s going to get used to breastmilk and he’ll ‘suffer’ when i go back to work. this caused my boyfriend to try to persuade me to put my son on formula, when HE knew even before i gave birth that i wanted to give him breastmilk for as long as possible. we had a whole conversation about how i would breastfeed and build a freezer stash for outings, when i need to go somewhere and leave the baby home with him and for when i eventually go back to work. i basically had to tell him ‘no i’m not putting my son on formula’. he let it go quite easily because i made it very clear i’m going to breastfeed because i feel like it’s for my sons best interest.

she most recently mentioned to my boyfriend that i should go on birth control and to get one that doesn’t have hormones in it because i’m breastfeeding and the hormones will go to my son and ‘turn him gay’. this didn’t sit well with me AT ALL, first of all, why is it any of her business if i go on birth control or not? and second of all, it will not turn my son gay! i feel like maybe she thinks that she has a say because she’s been helping us out with the baby and we live under her roof. these are just 2 examples of things she would say to him. i have expressed to my boyfriend that i don’t like how she tries to tell us how to ‘parent’ and he often replies “she knows whats best because she’s had 7 children”

am i wrong for feeling like this? do you ladies think she should have a say and she has a right to say these things because we live with her and she helps us? we are first time parents and i often feel like she’s judging our parenting because we don’t have any experience.