Man beaten to death for stealing car with children.

☀️Katelyn☀️ • 👦🏼 Elijah David ~ 👶🏼 Sebastian Joel

The parents have been questioned and they are trying to find the other people involved. I would like to point out that I think it’s wrong that the kids where left in a running car in the first place. You just don’t do that.

But I also think the fear that would come from your child being taken would overcome all rational thoughts, that’s why the parents literally sprinted after the car and were able to catch up to him at the traffic light, and why the father initially pulled him from the car and started beating him. The fact that the only reason they caught him is because he was stuck in traffic makes me think he wasn’t gonna stop at all and would have just taken these children with him to wherever he was going, and who knows what he would have done with them. I think the people jumping in to help beat the man is because we as a society tend to want to protect our children, that’s something we can all relate to and agree on. But I do have to say that death isn’t always the answer and it shows a more savage side of our society, but then again I wasn’t there, and these weren’t my children, I have no idea what level of anger I would feel in this situation unless it happened to me.

I do think some kind of child neglect charge should be brought on just for them leaving the children in a running car. But I don’t think they should be charged with murder or anything, at least not the father. In a situation like this your mentality isn’t right, he probably didn’t even realize what he did until it was too late.

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