My boyfriend cheated on me.


So this morning I woke up in my boyfriend’s bed after spending the night together. I went on his phone to change my name because it was something boring and i didn’t like it. When I went to change it, he got a text message from someone saying “I miss you” and he would say things to this person like “I have alcohol poisoning come die with me”. I obviously got mad but I didn’t say anything. I went to add a picture of me to my contact and saw that he had taken a dick pic. I guess that could be nothing but why take it in the first place? that’s when I got mad gave him his phone back. I went on my cell phone and downloaded bumble, updating the pictures and answers and such. He saw me do this, got mad, and kicked me out of his house, blocking my phone number in the process. What do i do? I have one of his jackets and his sweater. i don’t know how to be alone. I’m nervous.