Do you think kids are born loving/affectionate or it’s a learned behavior?

Brooke • 11 and 3 yr old boys💙 ectopic 11-24-17 and miscarriage 3-26-18 of my twin angels ❤️ my 🌈 girl finally came 4/29/19! My heart is complete

No sure if this is controversial enough or not but This came to my attention when I was with my sister a few weeks ago. Both of my boys (11 and 4) are VERY loving and affectionate. We tell each other we love each other multiple times a day, but it’s usually initiated by them. We hug a lot and give kisses. This has carried over to how they treat their baby sister. My 4 year old constantly kisses her, tells her he loves her, and even asks her if she loves him 🤣(she’s almost 3 months old). So my sister was here and commented on how sweet they are and said “they must’ve just been born like that” bc she said her kids have never been like that (8 yr old boy and 5 yr old girl) ... But neither has she. Her situation with her kids is different than mine, She just got custody back for every other weekend, after having some drug issues, going to jail a few times, and being on drug court for 4 years. She is doing better now but back to topic. We have the same dad different moms. We are both very close with him, she lives with him right now (she’s 26) and I talk to him once if not more a day and we always say “I love you” and hug when we see each other. She lived with him more than I did growing up, but our upbringings were similar (no abuse, mom in the picture for the most part). I’ve always thought it’s a learned behavior and then I passed it down to my kids, bc she clearly did not. My kids didn’t just learn to be like that out of no where.. Obviously not everyone is the lovey touchy type too I get that lol but What do you guys think?

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