So confused...


So I missed my period. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a while now. But this is the first time we timed everything and when I missed my period, In my head I’m thinking “is this too good to be true”. According to the calendar I should be around 5 weeks pregnant from the first day of my last period. Here’s the kicker, I’ve been feeling not so myself for the past three weeks. My breast are tender, nausea and having migraines, not to mention I can fall asleep nearly anywhere, which is not like me at all. But I come on here for y’alls advice. I’ve taken 10 pregnancy test four with super faint lines you can barely see and six with negative, am I testing to early ? Are my hcg levels not high enough, what am I doing wrong? I feel different, but I need the positive to ease my mind. My appointment is not for another two weeks. Also I had some very light brown discharge a few days ago not much, and it was in the morning. Haven’t had anything since.... Oh one more thing I have a weird sensation on my lower left side near where the ovary would be located. No pains just a different feeling.