Am I pregnant ??


30 days late..

I don’t have significant symptoms like morning sickness and super sore breasts. I do get random sickness and it doesn’t last for long. The closest i’ve came to vomiting was I threw up a little in my mouth a little. I’ve been having a really hard time sleeping at night which i’ve heard insomnia is a symptom. I did have one day where I spotted just a tad but it wasn’t fresh blood, it was like the brown blood before/ after a period. I have been having mild random nausea and frequent fatigue and light headed. I have been loosing a lot of weight and I haven’t been as hungry as thinking of food makes my stomach a little queasy. I did take a pregnancy test that was negative (though it had been sitting in the car for almost 2 weeks in Florida heat). I really want to be pregnant so i’m worries that i’m looking looking at all of these symptoms a little too hard. I also called a few clinics and they said that my hormone levels might not be high enough in my urine to turn the stick positive and I can’t get into a clinic until mid / late August. HELP !!!!!