¿¿ Pregnant.??

Okay so for the past 7-9 days I have had sore breasts, sore/achy lower back a bit of tiredness a little emotional and a feeling of pulling and a full feeling in my lower abdomen

I have taken two pregnancy test first one was a dip strip test and the second one a digital both negative please note I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have had a period on the 11 June 2019 the app said I should have ovulation about 2 weeks ago now but when I check my BBT it still hovers around 36.0ºc to 36.4ºc should I wait another week before testing or should I book straight with a Dr..

Please send baby dust my way cause I'm hoping I have a little bun in this oven... 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏