Who else gave up?


I have been ttc for a year. We had early mc in October and no luck since. So last month i stopped trying. I avoided trying to bd like the plague. No opks. No tracking i didn't even get on the app except to see when i was to expect af. So i could have enough supplies like chocalte. It felt great not stressing. This month i did 2 opks because they were there. I didn't really read the results bc if it happens it happens you know. We had no kids(i have 3 my so has none and wants at least one) soooo we had fun for 2 weeks. Even now that they are home he cant keep his hands off me 😁. Before it was a chore now its just fun! It is soooo nice to just have fun woth it again. No more timing. Feeling like you HAVE to do it just right. Hopefully one day i get to make the announcement until then...no more stress!