You can’t make someone love you or your kid

Thats the hard truth I’m learning, but it makes me feel like I’ve failed my son. My boyfriend and I broke up a little after i found out I was pregnant (not related to pregnancy. He kept lying in order to avoid arguing, and treated me like he didnt care about me. which no matter how many times he told me he did, It was an obvious pity lie).

Originally when I told him I was pregnant, he ignored me for DAYS, when we met up to talk about our options and I started sobbing he turned and looked at his phone. When I told him I was putting the child up for adoption he ignored me for a WEEK. When I told him they would need his social and medical history (important for baby) he keeps pushing it off, it’s been almost 2 weeks! Keep in mind, that entire time I was waiting for a text or a call back about ANYTHING, he wasn’t working, he was playing video games!! He hasn’t even signed a single document! he either ignored me on days we were both free, or would text me the next day and be like “it just wasn’t a good day to do it, besides you were tired”. Like he honestly couldn’t give a shit about this kid. He sobbed to me about how his ex got an abortion and it’s “all his fault”, but he could never hear from me or his son for all he cares.

Almost a week ago, I panicked and thought I was having contractions and texted/called him to tell him about it Incase I went into labor. I still haven’t heard back from him.

Now that I’m considering parenting instead of giving him up for adoption, I feel horribly guilty. I know it’s not my fault his dad is like this, but it breaks my heart that my son might not know his dad. I really hope something changes and his dad wants to be involved, at the very least I want my son to grow up knowing his dads side of the family. Im thinking about reaching out to his mom, guarantee she has no idea she’s going to be a grandma next month. God he’s so selfish and irresponsible. Like the things I’m saying he does is NOTHING compared to what he usually does. To be honest, I’m just grateful that he’s taking time out of his week to send me a 1 sentence text message about his excuses, at the very least he’s reading my messages.