Remotely Micromanaged

GracefullyMarie • 12 years 💍 2015 👼🏽👼🏽 2016 👼🏽 2018👼🏽2019👼🏽👨‍👩‍👧 2020 🤰🏽

I can NOT believe I just told my boss I went to go pee just in case she messages me and I don’t respond right away.

Her response: Thank you!!


I don’t know if I should cry laughing or feel some type of way.

I’m a professional salary worker who just happens to work from home. The way I’m micromanaged you would think I’m a terrible worker, hourly or new!

Sigh. Just trying to keep the stress down so I can have a healthy baby as I’m also high risk and at the doctor weekly and sometimes biweekly.

What a day!