Accident at work


First I want to say, I’ve only been at my job a month and I work in a doctors office. So I was doing a training at work today and went to sit on a rolling doctors stool. As I went to sit the stool flew out from under me. I couldn’t stop myself from falling. It happened so fast and so hard!! Feel backwards and banged my head off the metal of the stool and then again off the floor. They lady doing the training I guess never had anything like that happen and didn’t know what to do. She offered me ibuprofen (first of all no, I’m pregnant but she didn’t know that; second, never give ibuprofen after someone hits their head!! If there’s a bleed, it could worsen the bleed!) but then we returned to training. As soon as I got back to my department I sent my manager a message saying I needed to talk to her. I roomed the patient waiting then talked to my manager. My manager immediately went into worry mode. She called employee health and fit me into one of our doctors schedules. She had me register (never seen by the group before) and then made me call the ob. She also made accommodations that as soon as I was evaluated, I was to leave with pay for the rest of the day. My on office said to monitor and rest since I landed on my back. But I just got a call from the nurse to monitor baby’s movement closely (baby doesn’t always move much in the morning but hasn’t moved much this afternoon so far either) even though I’m 26+5 and not yet 28 weeks. Hoping baby starts getting more active. I’ve been having cramping but then again, I’ve been having more cramping lately. But I’m cramping as I’m resting. Starting to worry a little bit I’m going to monitor a little longer while I finish my big cup of ice water before I make any calls.

I’m just so glad my boss is so wonderful. My old employer would have had me do an incident report and finish my shift. Likely wouldn’t have made me get checked until after my shift. My new work is wonderful. I love my boss and coworkers and the doctors too. They all care and worry about each other