In tears cause my baby keeps crying 😭

SouthernMama • Happily Married 💍 👶🏼 👼🏼🤰🏼

My son is 6 weeks old and current cries after every bottle. Cries while being burped. He cries and screams out of nowhere and nothing I do seems to sooth him. It’s to the point where I’m in tears because I’m overwhelmed and frustrated during the day dealing with it when it’s just me. Then I feel like a bad mom for feeling frustrated and overwhelmed and for not being able to figure out what’s wrong with my baby.

Anyone else experience this? I feel stupid for crying 😭

Update 7/17: Took my baby to the doctor today who said it sounds like acid reflux 😭 Poor baby! She told us to stay on the current formula since it can help with reflux and she prescribed us baby Zantac that he’ll take 3X a day before he eats. She said it could take up to 2 weeks to see results. Fingers crossed this works!! We are still keeping him on gas drops. Thanks for all the advice and input!