Am I right to be upset?


A bit of a backstory.. we have a line of credit with the bank. We are moving to a new city next week, I will be staying home with my son. So we are losing an income. Rent is way cheaper but its obviously still going to be an adjustment. The line of credit will be used for emergencies while getting used to the income adjustment, and any bigger purchases for our new place.

The last 2 days my fiance has made big purchases. Yesterday a $200 tool and today comes home and asks if I want anything from amazon (primeday) because he just bought a 200$ code reader for the vehicles. I am livid. Part of me wants to be petty and buy myself an expensive gift but I'm also reasonable and know we will need that money. Hes been buying things (that are not a necessity) for his vehicles for the last few weeks too. Hes spending money like were rich when in reality we have to move an hour away because we can't afford rent. I'm so pissed pls tell me I'm not being ridiculous!!