
So I had sex a week ago and I am currently on the depo shot. I have not had a regular period in a while since my first shot which was March of 2018. Before my periods where horrible at first. The day after I had sex I had slight blood when wiping pelvic pain, vaginal tenderness, and even noticed so clots if I’m not mistaken. I’m sure it’s to early to test for pregnancy and but I’m scared I could be in the first stage with the bleeding still continuing on and off when wiping and the pelvic pain and burning sensation. My body feel weird. Can anybody tell me when I should take a test and if they thinks it’s pregnancy symptoms or what could be going on. I also think I’m experiencing a it’s Or yeast infection I am still on antibiotics from strep as well and thing this is why I’m having some foul smelling odor and itching in my vaginal area. Please help. Picture is from a few minutes ago