4 kids 24/7 w husband working nights


Ladies help! I'm just having a really hard time. We have 4 kids ages 11, 8, 5 and 8 months old. My hubby works nights so we only really see him on weekends but even then, he likes to go have cigars w the guys or be on the computer gaming when he's home. Plus he is on a night schedule so he has a hard time sleeping at night on wknds so he sleeps days. I've been talking to him constantly about how I feel like I'm drowning in children. I DO EVERYTHINGGG. Kids r home for the summer, I never get "me time" I dont get enough help w things around the house and i dont get enough help w the kids and I dont get to see him enough. I'm tired of trying, I'm tired of doing everything. And I cant do everything. Laundry and dishes r always piled up. I've talked and talked to him but you know, "hes worked all week and needs a break" I just want him to want me. I want him to show he cares. I'm just not getting what I need and theres no easy answers. Anyone else's spouse work nights and deal w this?!?!?