First breakup

My boyfriend just broke up with me two days ago, on the day I got back from a trip. He told me that he hasn’t been happy lately. That he’s been depressed and that recently he’s felt pressured with his new job (he’s a case manager) and with school since he’s going to do his masters in the fall. He says that he feels the pressure of being in a relationship makes it harder for him and he needs time to “find himself” and to be happy with himself. He told me he still loves me but that he doesn’t want me to be dragged down by him because I deserve someone better. It just sucks because he decided all this without me. The point of being in a relationship is to support each other but he doesn’t want me to waste my time on him. It’s so frustrating because he was my first boyfriend and I still love him so much. I don’t know what to do.

He told me we could still be friends and that if I ever need him I could call him or text him but idk. Should I message him? Should I still be friends with him? Or should I wait for him to message me first?

Everything hurts. My heart hurts. Everything reminds me of him. I can barely eat one meal a day. I don’t know what to do with myself. I feel so alone. It’s so sad going from talking to each other every day to not talking at all...