I thought tonight was my night for sure!! 😭😂

I had been wondering about this full moon bringing labor for about a week now. For the last 3 days I have been eating spicy foods, walked my ass off, ate pineapple just anything I could to try and jumpstart things. Well this morning I woke up with some cramping and pack pain, all which I presumed to be normal at the time because it hasnt been the first where thats happened but shortly gone away. Except this time it did not go away. I ended up going swimming this morning and the cramps and back pain would not let up! Came home waked around two different stores and this back pain would not go away. I was also getting a lot of what I would say was BH until I got this one INTENSE contraction!! Lasted about 30 seconds long and was pretty real. And then again back pain some BH and tightening and the back pain was so terrible and lasted 13 hours long non stop letting up and all day I counted 4 really intense contractions and I surely thought this was a real thing (could still very well be) but eventually around 9:30 the back pains turned into maybe gas pains and I used the bathroom got all that yucky stuff out and noticed my back was finally feeling better. But even though nothing happened out of all of this, its still something! 39 weeks so its the start of something for sure! Just hoping she comes on her own. Due next week lets see how much longer she holds up, i’m about to take a walk under this full moon. Any other mamas thought today could be their day?