My third & final baby is here. My only son💙🥰

Maria • Mommy to 2 girls💕& a baby boy 💙

Sunday night, I woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought was my bladder just losing control and letting out pee that I didn't fully get out before bed. I changed & went back to bed. Monday morning, I had made it my mission to just go all out with stairs, walking, yoga ball, sex, ect to try to get my son to come on my husbands last day home before going back to work for the week. I just knew my efforts would be useless since it would've been way too convenient lol. Well..during the up & down the stairs with laundry, bouncing on the yoga ball, cleaning the house strenuously..I kept leaking small amounts of what I thought was pee..I brushed it off every time. Finally, there was a point where I got up from the yoga ball..and a small amount of fluid just...fell out of me, and trickled down my leg to the floor. Well..this was usually just stayed in my underwear, I'd change & move on with life. So this is when the lightbulb started to slowly come on.

So, the last thing I wanted to try for the day was sex. Our girls were at camp, so we were excited lol. TMI, sorry 😂 but my husband was right about to put it in...and I felt another small "gush" I guess..and at that point I jump up..tell my poor husband sorry, and start googling left & right if this could actually be my water leaking. (Girls, just go in if you think anything is off won't regret being cautious) so I finally just am I doing, let's go into the dr to check this out. Dr does test strip and says "no question about it, you're having a baby today!" I was in so much shock, that when I was walking to L&D from my drs office to get checked in, I was messing up all the buttons I was supposed to push on the elevator, went to like 2 different was a crazy feeling. I had no contractions, I felt no different at all.. so I get checked in, and they start me on pitocin to get contractions to come. Once I hit 5cm I got an epidural, and after that..things progressed fast..and the next thing you son was born! From the start of the pitocin until birth, it was a tiny bit over 5 hours. He is the sweetest little guy and gave all of the L&D nurses baby fever 😂 I'm happy the pregnancy is over..the minute he was out was the best feeling of relief I've had. My body immediately felt so much better lol..but I will miss being pregnant. Since this little guy is my last 💙