How much longer and pushed pain meds ???


37 weeks I was in the hospital all night and today and they finally let me go home!

Came in 1cm and 20% effaced I have been at that point since 35 weeks

An hour later they check me again cause I was having contractions 2-3 mins apart and I was almost 2cm and for sure 50% effaced she said I felt a lot softer?

They check me later no change so asked if I could go home cause I figured this early I could labor at home for awhile

They kept asking if I wanted pain medicine I kept declining I’m fine with the epidural when it comes time but if I can push through my contractions why wouldn’t I?

They wanted to give me a morphine shot I refused so they kept me till 12 and kept trying to find ways to ease up the contractions .....

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow

I’m just wondering how close to labor I am and if anyone else has had a similar situation with the pain medication? I wasn’t even complaining about the pain so I felt like they wanted to push me to get it to relax my uterus and send me home but I wanted to go home anyways so ??