Hopefully it’s my turn ❤️

Jessica • Mommy of a beautiful girl ❤️ 4/29/2020 ❤️

Hi guys!

So my husband and I got married a year ago (today actually!) anyways, he finally agreed to start trying to get pregnant. He didn’t want kids at first but he knew I wanted them so bad so the weekend leading up to my ovulation week, he told me we could start trying. (Perfect timing right?) I literally started crying! So we BD all that week. Like 8 times in a span of 7 days 😂

I’m praying I get this baby. I’ve always dreamed of being a mom and I just hope this happens!

Sending lots of hopeful thoughts, prayers and baby dust to anyone else at their 2 week wait like me! I hope this is our month ❤️❤️❤️