guy problem!! help !!

sooo there’s this guys i’ve been friends with for years and the last 1-2 years i’ve always kinda knew he liked me. at first i used to like him but i don’t think he was interested in me at that time so i moved on and just kept it as friends then i realized he liked me but i had moved on already and don’t see him that way anymore. we always hang out but i never saw it as anything just friends then i made a comment on how he should get a black charger but just as a joke i mean i do like those cars but i would never intentionally tell him to get one.. then one day he pulls up to pick me up in .. a... black charger.. i hope he didn’t get it cause of me. every time we hang out he be holding my hand and i tend to find a way to pull away but in a nice kinda way not rude. i’ve noticed he’s also done things to kiss me but i always look the other way

recently however i’ve been thinking that i should probably give him a chance because he’s such a sweet guy and we’re already such good friends. but this last time we hung out he made a move to kiss me again and it was hard to get out of it so i kissed him back but i felt nothing. i thought maybe if i feel something when we kiss then i’ll def give him a chance but i felt nothing

i don’t want to be mean and just blow him off and stop talking to him but then again i don’t want to lead him on when i know i’m in not interested. i wana keep being friends with him but i’m scared if i tell him i’m not interested we might stop being friends.. should i give him a chance and see if things work out and i start liking him or should i just not lead him on

i just need advice on what to do ):