Lower back/hip pain-sciatica?HELP


I've been in the worst pain for the last day and a half now. I've always gotten a pinched nerve in my hip/butt area lol and it's always managed to go away within a day or two, especially after I try stretching. However, this is the worst it has ever been. I cant even stand up straight or walk without excruciating pain that feels like a pinching/sharp shooting pain right in my hip and butt and it will radiate down my leg at times. I tried YouTube for exercises and stretches to help and all if the major ones that everyone says works, hasn't worked. I tried hip adjustment videos and pelvis realignment videos which are basically the same exercises. Usually after doing them I'll feel a little relief and be able to at least stand straight without sever pain buy not this time. I know I should go to a chiropractor but that isn't an option for me because I literally cannot afford it and I have no insurance, otherwise I wouldn't have wasted my time and energy on YouTube videos all day lol any tips would be nice. I'm pretty sure it's from my side sleeping and posture when sitting, but I cant sleep on my back or stomach ever since I got pregnant with my son and he's 2. Sorry it's a long post