Really need some advice😢😢


So.. I had an ectopic pregnancy on 18/4 with no symptoms only normal symptoms of pregnancy, hcg went down within the week to 11 was treated with one shot of methotrexate, I have since been waiting the long 3 months to ttc, had follow up appointment 1st July as my period was normal for the previous 2 months they gave us go ahead to start trying we’ve had sex 4 times on week leading up to my Ovulation (06/07) since Monday I’ve constantly been tired just wanting to sleep I’ve been urinating every 30 minutes which is unusual and today I’ve woke up feeling extremely nauseous with some diarrhea(very little) but the urge to commit all morning, minor cramping and my tummy feels very heavy like pressure I’ve taken a test every days since 5DPO( I know very early) but today I’m 11DPO and this is what I’m getting, I can’t help but feel this may be going down the same road of a loss again but could be overreacting? Can I get some advice please? Anyone experienced similar? I think I have myself convinced I’m pregnant but don’t want to jump to conclusions and if I am can’t help but feel it’s going down hill😢😢😢 second picture was yesterday..