Cervical mucus help


I’m really confused haven’t been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> due to only just starting trying to conceive. We’re using the if it happens it happens method not really actively trying, but if it happens it’s not a bad thing. My app say ovulation was Saturday just gone, so in my head I missed it, we had sex last night, on Saturday I didn’t recall my mucus being what I would class as fertile it wasn’t stretchy or egg white, in fact I don’t remember a lot about it, but I do remember there was more than any other time during the month to the point it was leaving wet spots on my underwear. But today I’ve had this, could the sex last night of changed my consistency or would you say it’s fertile? I’m really confused. I’m going to work it as Saturday was my ovulation date, I’m pretty regular my cycle is 30 days. 10 days till my period according to the app.