My HSG Experience


These are for ladies wondering how an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) could feel. It's a test to rule out blockages on the fallopian tubes.

Disclamer: Every experience is unique and I am not saying this is how and will HSG feel because everyone is different.

Procedure price: Roughly 126 USD

I finally had my HSG yesterday after trying for 21 months for baby # 1 with no luck. My fertility specialist would not give me any prescription for fertility meds until I have my tubes checked.

First, I called the doctor who will do the procedure once AF arrived (CD 1). The doctor scheduled it for yesterday which is CD 6. (I thought it was a bit early too but what's important is that my period was gone by that time)

I was scared, just like any other women out there because I have been reading experiences from other ladies as well.

The entire procedure was only around 5- 10 minutes. Really. But I was at the hospital for like 2 hours. Why? Because first, I had to wait for the doctor to arrive. Then I had to settle the payment and clearance first, sign the consent and patient's profile, then go secure the supplies from the pharmacy myself. (This might not be the case for you)

Then, I was asked to proceed to the radiology department. They did an X- ray to my private area like where my tubes are placed. (No need to take off clothes and nope, there's no dye yet)

After that, they performed a skin test. This is so painful. But don't worry, it's only a few seconds. It's when they inject a very very small amount of the iodine/ dye in your skin to make sure you are not allergic to it. Then, I had to wait for another 30 min. for the skin tests results to make sure I wasn't allergic to the dye.

Then, we went to an X- ray room where there' s an examination bed. I was asked to change into a hospital gown and the nurse asked me to take my clothes off and said I can leave my bra worn. Then, I lied into the bed in a lithotomy position, like when delivery or having a papsmear.

The nurse prepped me, using betadine then they made sure they have everything they need in place. Then, the doctor told me we are about to start the procedure.

The first thing she did was to insert the speculum (and this by the way is the worst part for me, it was not painful just uncomfortable) because I felt like the speculum was clipping something inside of me. Lol. Anyways, it kinda made me shudder a bit but I stayed still. After when the speculum was in place, the doctor inserted the cathether and then injected the dye. The only instruction she gave me was to avoid straining or pushing (like when giving birth)

I was prepared for the worst. The doctor was saying "Just a little bit. We're almost there..." The nurse was very kind and asking me if it hurts and I told her "Nope. I'm fine." Really, it wasn't painful at all.

I felt some cramps, at the back (more like PMS) but milder than my dysmenorrhea. Then after that, the radiologist prepared the X-ray machine and the film, then the doctor, my husband and the nurse went to hide and see the monitor. (No, I cannot see the monitor so I was not able to see how the dye was running through)

Then they went back to me and the doctor injected more dye, then again they watched on the monitor.

When they got back to me, the doctor said the procedure is done. They cleaned me up and said I could remain lying until I feel ready to stand up. The doctor said the procedure went smoothly, there was no spillage or leakage, it was so clean.

After like 10 seconds, I was getting up and changing into my clothes. They told me to wear a liner in case some of the dye leaks out. Then, I went out the X-ray room feeling like a winner because I finally had the courage to do it and half of it is done. I will just be waiting for the results tomorrow. Usually, you can take the results home with you.

If I have any advice to ladies who are scared to do HSG, just follow your doctor's order. My fertility specialist told me to start taking doxycycline (antibiotic) twice a day 2 days prior to procedure and an NSAIDs and pain reliever 1 hour before the procedure. I was prescribed with tramadol and paracetamol for pain as needed but I didn't take any as I was not in pain at all. No cramping afterwards, no backaches, really nothing.

The whole day, I was fine, I had some spotting but no weird discharges whatsoever. Tomorrow, I will have my results, so hoping for the best.

If you have experienced it also, I am interested to hear it from you and how were your results? Baby dust to everyone! 💓