Cycle 6 TTC - please give me all your tips!


August will be our 6th cycle ttc.

My first 2 pregnancies happened within the first cycle, but that was 9 years ago.

I’m 28, slightly overweight but for the most part, healthy. I’ve had loads of labs and obgyn check up/pap done within the last 4 months and everything is normal.

Things I’ve noticed are:

I don’t produce EWCM at all, usually around O it’s a heavy watery consistency. The rest of the month is lotiony or sticky.

I have done OPKs for 2 cycles and I have gotten my positive consistently on CD 18 with a LP of 11 days.

Please comment all of your TTC tips/supplements I should be taking. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong 😭😭

I KNOW 6 cycles is nothing compared to what a lot of women go through, but it’s still frustrating and I just want to make sure I’m doing everything right.

We have BD at LEAST every other day for the last 6 months.