When will it be my time?


So tomorrow my period is supposed to be here and I’m really hoping it isn’t. On July 3rd, I was making hobo potatoes and I cut into a pepper and it had a baby pepper 🌶 then I had a dream of being pregnant 🤰🏻Thinking it’s another sign! Then yesterday I saw a rainbow for the first time in YEARS. As I kept driving it kept getting bigger and bigger! It even looked like there may have been two, thinking it was another sign 🌈 I hope this means that my times coming soon & that I can be a mom ❤️ I’m hoping when I wake up tomorrow morning I’m not greeted by my period but instead I’m greeted by a BFP! 🤞🏽 Fingers crosses that if not this month then next month is my turn! I’m praying & hoping I get the chance!