What should I do ???!!! đŸ˜Ș

*** warning , long post ***

okay so i meet a guy back in February , he had just got out of a mental hospital , a month prior he had got into some drugs which made him end up in the hospital because he was off his rocker , anyway , I meet him in February , he took me out to eat etc , everything was good , more like perfect , we was ALWAYS laughing , never a dull moment with us , a few arguments here & there but what relationship doesn’t have arguments right ? Well , a month ago , everything changed , our relationship done a whole 360 , he started reading the Bible & just getting involved with the Lord more , well one day he started talking to himself , he was like “babe i have another soul in me” & in my mind im like “what the fuck is he talking about” so ya know I went along with him , because at this point idk how to react or whatever .. well things escalated , next thing I know he starts saying that im a “clone” & that his ex “wife” her soul was put inside my body , well as days go on , he starts laughing hysterically at NOTHING , he kept telling me that he has Jesus in his body , & that he’s “Jehovah” & im the “queen” of the world , well i kept denying everything & he got mad .. days go by & he starts talking about us having to get on a “spaceship” , & at this point I’m like this mfer has lost it . I mean we would attempt to have intercourse & we couldn’t because either he couldn’t focus or he’s laughing đŸ™„đŸ˜© , i finally ended our relationship because he was putting me under ALOT of stress , i told him & told him he needed to get help but he denies everything , “nothings wrong with him” “he’s fine” ... i miss him A WHOLE BUNCH , he was my bestfriend , we had plans on trying for a baby , & getting married ... now we can’t because of this situation , (mental illness runs on his moms side of family) am i in the wrong for leaving him hanging like this ?? I feel like I am but I just couldnt take it anymore .. he had the cops called on him not to long ago because he was walking in peoples yards & garage around our neighborhood .. i just don’t know what to do , any advice would help ...