I’m at a loss here (breast feeding)


I was told I wouldn’t have to stay away from anything while bf by my doctors

But family has said to stay away from onions and spicy food and fruit punch

Family has also said I produce too much and I should start supplementing my son to get my supply down

(Which I don’t want to do)

So I ignored them

And ended up eating a cheese burger with pickled jalapeños

Which is also something I had eaten during my pregnancy as well and I was told I could by my doctors and consultant so I thought it would be fine

My son is normally a very easy going hungry boy

Almost will always latch when fussy

Well just when he was fussy, I tried latching him and he would latch for a few seconds like he’s starving, then unlatch while CRYING

Which is not normal for him

It seems like the milk is bothering him

I tried calling my lactation consultant but she hasn’t answered

I was going to try and feed him Breast milk that was pumped prior but he doesn’t necessarily know how to take the bottle and seems to keep choking while drinking from it which is scary to me

But he doesn’t seem to be bothered by the milk in the bottle itself

Idk how long the milk is supposed to stay in my system to decide whether the milk itself is intact the problem or if he’s just fussy?

Do I pump and dump and will that get it out faster?