Yes! Yes! Yes!

Y'all I finally had my first orgasm while masgurbating! It's a weird thing to celebrate, but I am in my mid 20s and not once have I had an orgasm while doing it myself. I had tried and tried and tried and it felt good, but I never reached the big O. However, the other night I was in the mood and decided to give it a go and man, did it feel good!! Never have I had such a toe curling, eye watering, out of breath orgasm before. I've had orgasms while having sex but it's rare. For the longest time I thought that it was because I just couldn't relax but come to find out I just wasn't getting the right stimulation. Now that I know what I like and where I like it, I actually want sex more and it's far more enjoyable.

I have always felt that you can't fully enjoy sex unless you know what feels good to you and that masturbation is an empowering act that gives you control of your own pleasure. I have that control now and I truly couldn't be happier so here's to all the women out there empowering themselves by taking their pleasure into their own hands!