Mom won’t let me sleep over boyfriend house

My mom won’t let me... and guess what im 18 turning 19 next month. I still have to ask permission to do shit because we are a Hispanic family. I don’t want to be treated like a child. And no one say “well if you don’t like it move out” me doing a minimum wage job isn’t going to even pay half the rent where i live. Plus im still in college.

Her excuse for not letting me stay over is that the relationship isn’t serious meanwhile we’ve been together for a year. Then she goes ahead and bashed him for not being in college and working in retail. She keeps saying that I am a higher level than him. I don’t care about levels, I love him and he’s treated me better than anybody has in my life. But I was too scared of my mom to say that to her. I was just trying to keep myself from crying.

Like all I asked was for one night and she wants to bring up the whole future and confuse me. Making me question my relationship. Like wtf☹️

Update: i get it, her house her rules I knew she was going to say no but I wanted to ask if there was any possibility. What got me upset is that she dug into my relationship. Like she didn’t need to do that, it’s mine not hers. A simple no would’ve been fine enough.