Needing hope. Anyone have a hcg level of only 6 at 4 weeks and go on to have a healthy pregnancy?

Kaitlin • Nurse and Nature Lover. Endo Warrior 💪🏼💛 Fibroid Tumours & Adenomyosis. TTC 3 years. Trying for a Rainbow Baby! 🌈 2x IVF 8x FET Zoladex and Beyond 🚀

So after a m/c almost 4 years ago and 9 rounds of unsuccessful <a href="">ivf</a> after that, my husband and I decided we needed a break.

I have a flu at the moment and decided as it was a day away from my period, I would test before taking any medications other than paracetamol......then a faint second line.

Headed straight to the doc for a blood only came back at 6. Please someone tell me their low hcg levels came up and they had a successful pregnancy! I NEED SOME HOPE! 🙏🏽🌈