Postpartum sex...

I am being 100% when I say my significant other and I haven’t had sex since we conceived my daughter, who is now 4 months. For a long time I was healing, then I had this weird mole in my perineal area that got biopsied TWICE and is now going to be removed. I breastfeed, so I think that decreases my drive. Also, I am just super exhausted. I know it’s important to have sex in a relationship, I am just struggling. Obviously, I am self-conscious about my postpartum self and how sex might be different. Also, it’s been so long, so there is pressure. And when??? It feels weird to have sex in front of my daughter. But by the time she goes to sleep, my SO is already in bed. 🤦‍♀️ We sleep in separate rooms because the baby keeps him awake at night, and this makes everything feel extra distant. He wants me to make the first move. I need help. 😩