How much weight gain at 11-12 weeks?


Hi all! I know everyone’s pregnancy journey is so different and everyone’s weight gain will likely happen at different points, but I was curious in polling those of you who are around the 11-12 week mark how much weight you’ve gained thus far?

I’m 5’10 and my pre-pregnancy weight was 176. I lost about 5 lbs around the same time I found out I was pregnant (unrelated, was trying a new eating regimen) and then that leveled out to 172 as I stopped actively trying to lose. I’m still 173 at 11.5 weeks. So I guess I’ve gained 1.5 lbs since my level out point at 172 but still less than my original pre pregnancy weight (which I was intentionally trying to lose a few).

The interesting part however is that my clothes definitely feel tight around the belly, noticeably so! But I wouldn’t think there would be such a noticeable difference in how clothes fit with only a 1.5 lbs weight gain.

Anywho, just curious what others are experiencing.

I was told my target weight gain is 25-35 lbs.