What would you do? (Read description)

So I had a baby. She’s my third. I’ve had lots of losses as well. Throughout my pregnancy with my third I kept telling everyone she was my last. It’s hard to accept and both my partner and I really don’t want her to be my last but we’re scared my body won’t carry another baby especially after birthing my daughter at 26 weeks. My first daughter was born at 36 weeks and my second was born at 28 weeks. Deep down it hurts to accept and I feel like it’s the wrong choice but I’m not sure if that’s selfish of me. I was going to have a ligation after I had her but I told them I wasn’t in the right state of mind to make that decision. I was supposed to reschedule but never did. I’m starting birth control and want to see a dr about my options to have another baby but is it selfish because I could give birth early again.... should I see a dr and stay on birth control until then or just schedule my ligation and accept We can’t have another

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