2weeks ‘ finally posting


I absolutely loved reading birth stories while pregnant so I made sure to be able to share mine. I tried not to make it too long lol. On Monday the 1st Drove down to Gainesville to be induced, started having contractions in the car but Didn’t really think much of it. I figured I was just uncomfortable due to the drive. We Arrived at hospital at 10pm and got checked into triage. Stayed in triage until about 430am. Since I was traveling about 3 hours away several women had come in , in labor and went to the rooms before I could which is fine with me. The charge nurse got everything set up and Anesthesia came in and spoke with me to give me options. I was checked again and was only 1cm dilated. They decided on the foley balloon which let me tell you was not a fun experience. It’s supposed to stay in until I reach 4cm ..shortly after they came in and started me with pit I stayed on put for about 3 hours but that contractions really became intense. Around 8am she checked the bulb and it was not ready...her simply checking it made me extremely nauseous snd she offered me gas which really helped I asked to sit straight up because it help with the contractions. Laying down seem to make them intense around 1030 the bulb was removed....again painful asf but it seem to lessen my contractions and I was able to breath again. I let about 90 minutes go by & they turned into heavy period like cramps. I had s few so bad it made me throw up. At this time I was about 4cm & asked for the epidural. As much as I’ve read about the painful process it wasn’t bad to me at all the initial numbing shot was a sting but besides that it went fine. I wasn’t in immense pain at the time & Took about 30 minutes to kick in. I was finally able to get some much needed sleep. Around 230My nurse came in to check if I needed anything & my water just exploded everywhere lol and wouldn’t stop. Although it’s part of the process I was slightly embarrassed . Got checked again still at 4. My nurse left out & came back in to flip me because baby was unhappy & my waters burst AGAIN like everywhere.. think turning a picture of water onto the ground lol. They couldn’t get a good read on baby’s heartbeat so they used internal methods instead. I also received oxygen to help baby. I continued to labor and switch sides until around 6:30 I received the peanut ball. I fell back asleep and the team would come in and flip me occasionally. Around 1030pm I called the nurses because I felt extreme pressure...like a bowling ball in my vagina they checked and I was at an 8. It wasn’t a sharp pain boy I could definitely feel the intensity of what was about to come....I focused on breathing to get me through the next hour around 12ish they came back in to check me and I was a full 10. Because I was at a teaching hospital a team of residents came in and help set the room up and that’s when it all became real. In my head I panicked because holyshxt I’m about to have a baby lol. I pushed for just about an hour and my beautiful baby girl was born July 3rd 1:13am ...I was in labor just under 24hrs we did skin to skin for an hour and we both fell asleep after a hard workout lol. The pain was most definitely worth it. Being that I am now 2weeks pp I want to stress to you all to take your time and rest yourself. I wasn’t prepared for the after pains but I’m getting through them. Thaonk you for reading

Meet Aubree Lynn ❤️