Do you guys see anything?

Rachel • •Wifey 💍•2️⃣1️⃣ years old• Iowa 🌽• Mom to twins, Layla & Wrenlee • Amateur Photographer📸•

Just finished my first round of clomid, if I ovulated in day 14 I’m 9dpo. I go in for blood work in two weeks if I don’t start my period, but my periods aren’t normal so I’ll end up going anyways. I just want to find out from a pregnant test, not a damn nurse calling me. I feel like I see something in the 2nd picture( it’s doing that weird thing where it makes the picture small so I’m going to post in comments ). I’m going to test again first thing tomorrow am, and if it’s neg then I’ll wait it out. I didn’t get my hopes up specially for this reason. Let me know what you think ❤️ thanks!