Cups with valve?? Comment experiences?

How many of you have heard of the menstrual cups with the valve so you don't have to take it out to empty it?

I saw an ad on Facebook and was wondering what you guys thought.

I have a heavy flow and sometimes still struggle to get my cup in place even after months of practice (and over a year of actually having the cup lmao) so I don't like taking it out when I finally get it perfect.. but sometimes I have no choice.

A few of the comments said it doesn't work well for people who usually have large clots because it can't drain, but I don't typically have that problem and was considering if it were worth the purchase.


It's meant to be used so that you like squeeze the valve and it empties so you don't have to take it out. For when I'm working and can't rinse my cup for a few hours longer than I'd like etc.

Obviously would deep clean as usual.

I don't remember the brand name I'm sorry