My TTC Vent! Sorry for the long post.

Jamie • Ttc baby #1. 09/03/20 👼 Happily married to my best friend. 02/17/15

If you read this all and comment, THANK YOU!!!

Hello all! I am a 34yr old female happily married for 4yrs. I am over weight and was diagnosed in 2015 with Pcos. Hubby and I have been TTC since we were together for 3 months and living together since we had knew that we would be together for good. I have been on a diet but apparently not losing enough weight. I also have diabetes and high blood pressure. I am on medication and they are all pregnancy safe. I started going to RMA of NJ, but they are refusing to do any treatment of any type until I drop 20lbs. Idk why. I do ovulate every month and get my period normally every month. We try, we don't try and nothing. I am just beyond so upset and done with it all. Idk what to do anymore. I know it's killing my husband the most since he's the oldest of 3 boys and his 2 younger brothers have kids. I just want to get my BFP.

End rant. Lol Baby dust to us all.